SFAR - Swiss Foundation for Anesthesia Research :

Grant Application rules

SFAR Research Grants

Basic Rules


1.         SFAR Research Grants of CHF 20'000 – 50'000 are offered. These grants aim at improving the knowledge and the general development in the field of anesthesiology and in directly or indirectly related fields.

2.         The proposed research projects are preferentially performed in Switzerland.

3.         The head of the research group is preferably a member of the Swiss Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation (SGAR / SSAR).

4.         The host department of the grant applicant guarantees that all involved persons will have sufficient time off their clinical work dedicated to the project and that there is the necessary infrastructure. In addition, the host department guarantees a co-sponsoring of the project with at least the same amount as requested from the SFAR by a letter signed by the department head.

5.         In general, 50% of the SFAR Research Grant is paid up-front, 50% at the publication of the scientific paper related to the sponsored research but no later than 2 years after the last study measurements had been performed or 2 years after the study end as stated in the study protocol, whichever comes first (see basic rule #12).

6.         Awards are made to an academic institution or hospital, not to individuals or to departments.

7.         Re-applications from investigators that were funded in previous years will be accepted after a 2 years delay.

8.         The SFAR Research Grants will be awarded to start May 1, 2008.

9.         The areas of priority and the number and size of the grants may change from year to year.

10.      Grant application must be received no later than February 1 of the year in which the grants are awarded and late applications will not be accepted. The total sum requested must not exceed the grant amounts on offer. Funds may not be used for indirect costs (overheads) or for travel. Please follow the Guidelines for Grant Application carefully.

11.      The grant recipients are to submit a short scientific and financial report every year by December 31 and the final report within a period of 6 months from the publication of the sponsored research paper.

12.      All resulting publications and presentations are to acknowledge the support of the Swiss Foundation for Anesthesia Research (prerequisite for basic rule #5).

13.      The council of the SFAR decides, no explanations are being communicated and no appeal is possible.



Guidelines for Grant Application *

Please follow these formatting rules precisely to avoid your application being rejected:

            Font: Arial 12

            1.5 spacing minimum

            2.5 cm margin

            12 pages maximum for the research plan including the graphs & pictures


1.         Cover Page


A.        Title of Research Project

B.        Name of applicant with academic degrees, professional address, phone number, fax number and e-mail address.

C.        Sponsoring institution (academic institution or hospital) and the name, address and phone number of the Chairman of the Department.

D.        Name, address and phone number of the responsible financial officer (who will have to sign for the receipt of funds and be responsible for the financial report).

E.        Funding amount requested.

F.        Start and end dates of project


2.         Research Summary (one-paragraph description of the project)


3.         Research Plan (limited to 10 pages, double-spaced, excluding references)


1.         Introduction

2.         Objectives

3.         Background

4.         Specific Aims: state exact hypothesis to be tested

5.         Methods

 5.1.     Describe data collection techniques.

 5.2.     Describe types of data to be obtained and statistical or power analysis if indicated.

 5.3.     Point out potential problems and limitations.

 5.4.     Include a statement of approval of this proposal by the institutional committee reviewing human or animal investigations or a statement that approval has been requested. Such statement of institutional committee approval will be required before final approval of the grant.

6.         Budget - include all proposed expenditures. Indicate under each category the amount requested or provided from other sources.

 6.1.     Personnel

 6.2.     Equipment

 6.3.     Supplies

 6.4.     Other Costs

 6.5.     Total funds requested (no indirect costs, no travel costs)

 6.6.     Budget Justification - CLEARLY and completely justify each item, including the role of each person involved in the project. If computer equipment is requested, explain why such resources are not already available from the sponsoring institution. NOTE: Failure to adequately justify any item may lead to reduction in an approved budget request even if the application is funded.

7.         List all current or pending research support available to principal and/or senior investigator for the proposed project. List all other research support for the principal investigator.

8.         List the facilities, equipment, supplies, and services essential for this project and indicate their availability.

9.         CV of the principal investigator (only) (maximum of three pages)

10.      Letter of recommendation from the department head (see basic rule #4)


Send the completed application by email to grants@anesthesia-research.ch.
Only electronic submissions will be evaluated.

Please include all requested information in one document.

Avoid sending an application exceeding 5 Mb.


Applications which do not respect these guidelines will NOT be considered.


Swiss Foundation for Anesthesia Research


* modified according to the rules of the European Society of Anesthesiology (ESA) www. www.euroanesthesia.org